Camera Awesome iPhone app review

Camera Awesome iPhone app review

Shane Richmond
By , Head of Technology (Editorial)

There isn't much wrong with Apple's camera app for the iPhone. It takes photos, it shoots video and it's even accessible from the lock screen. It does lack options, though. And that's where Camera Awesome comes in.
There are so many options in this camera app, developed by picture-sharing website SmugMug, that it's hard to know where to begin. While the iOS Camera app allows you to overlay a grid, to make it easier to line-up your shot, Camera Awesome gives you a range of grids to choose from. While Camera takes just a single shot, Camera Awesome can take a burst of shots and features image stabilisation too.
Once you've taken your photo, there are a wealth of editing options available. You can 'awesomize' your photo using a slider that boosts certain levels within the image or you can manually adjust levels such as sharpness and saturation.
If you want more options then the app is crammed with filters, presets, textures and frames - around 300 altogether. You get nine of each free but you will have to pay to unlock the rest. Unlocking, say, all of the filters will cost you £2.49. Or you can unlock everything for £6.99.
I'd recommend using the free features for a while first to see how much use you will get out of it. It probably has too many features for the casual snapper but it's worth trying it out. If the app becomes your default camera, then £6.99 is a good price for the range of options available.
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