Herbal Skin Care Remedy for Treating Acne

Note: Ingredients can be easily available in any medical store or groceries
There are millions of people on this planet who suffer from acne. If you stop and look around you, you will find it very hard to spot someone with perfect skin.
With millions of acne sufferers, there is now a stronger emphasis on herbal skin care remedies. Below are a few ingredients to familiarise you with.
Herbal Skin Care Ingredients:
Echinacea/ Tea tree oil
These are widely available. Echinacea helps in increasing the immune system. Tea tree oil is known for its antiseptic and antifungal properties.
Green tea
This is a great help in keeping bacteria in control so that it does not lower hormone activity which can then cause acne to unleash.
Almond Oil
Almond oil is also very good in removing acne scars.
Distilled white vinegar
This can be applied to cleanse the pores in the form of a topical solution. Honey mask helps in the healing process of the skin affected by acne due to its anti-bacterial quality.
This herb has been in use since the middle ages. A mucus secretion is increased by Licorice which helps in removing bacteria and germs which are responsible for pus and acne.
Burdock is a thistle flowering plant which has been used as a remedy for skin problems such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.
  • Boil some water and add some chamomile tea. Take a steam of this water on your face for a calming effect and removal of dirt and grime. Repeat this procedure daily to achieve best results.
  • Use extracted Aloe Vera gel and apply the gel directly to the affected area. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse off with warm water. Never use hot water on your face.
At the end of the day, you have one skin. So, do take care of it and ensure that you try herbal skin care remedies too. Sometimes, it is a good idea to give your skin a break from harsh chemicals and ingredients which can actually do more harm than good in the long run.
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