Tips for Glowing legs

Wall Sits

If you feel like your inner-thighs are looking less than toned, place a book or a yoga block between your knees as you sit with your back up against a wall, with your knees bent and the back of your legs parallel to the floor. Hold this position for up to five minutes. Your legs will definitely feel less jiggly.

Contour Your Legs

When wearing short skirts, add a little highlighter up the center of each leg to contour "This trick reflects light to the middle of the leg and recedes over the outer leg, making your gams look leaner and longer."

Tighten Up

Not loving your legs in that mini skirt? For instantly tighter-looking skin, rub baby oil on your stems (especially along the shin bone) to create the illusion of longer legs. Go for a drugstore score, such a Johnson's Baby Oil with Aloe Vera

Tighten Your Thighs

Try this during the next commercial break: "Stand up straight, with your feet hip-width apart and try to lift your right leg hip-level high, Attempt to hold this for one minute, then switch sides. Your thighs will feel leaner, pulled in and tighter.

Home Moves
You can even exercise, while you wait for your coffee Lie on you back, with your legs bent and you feet planted on the ground, hip-width apart. Pin your shoulders and head to the floor and gently raise your pelvis towards the ceiling, while pulling in your stomach. Do 20-30 reps of this move every day for a tighter tush.

Take The Stairs

Wear your stilettos up the stairs to add an extra calf-tingling element to your regular strolling. Stomping up 20 sets of stairs can burn up to 100 calories!

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