Mount Everest Facts And Figures........

Raghav Joneja from Moradabad became the youngest Indian to scale the Mount Everest when he along with his five schoolmates climbed the fifth highest peak in the world. in the age of 15 years and seven months ,It feels really good to become the youngest Indian to summit such a tough peak Safety was always a major concern. There were some very dangerous passages during the climb.
unfortunately, it becomes "the last thing they failed to do so before his death." None of this does not speak loudly, but still dead bodies in arrears climbing on routes serving as, virtually anyone can go to the top, which costs from 25 to 65 thousand. dollars. Sometimes the price is life, and when crossing the height of 8000 m above sea level. You are already at the limit capacity of the organism.they decided to take a nap for a while. they never woke up, and so far are in the same position as when they fell asleep. For many climbers, it is their view was the biggest obstacle in getting up. At the top is more than 200 bodies, and those that are there for fifty years, are preserved by cold weather so well, as if lying there since yesterday The body of legendary English climber George Mallory who disappeared in 1924, found only in 1999.So far it is unknown whether the case is not won on the first Mount Everest.


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